Friday, April 18, 2008

EXP2 - page 3

Originally uploaded by vinh.xnguyen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Vinh,

This is the comments for all three of the pages.

They read very well as a set and created a good alternate reading of the site.

There is question as to whether they speak directly to the 'life of the site' although the do present a reading of it.

The use of textures and flattening is unique among the group and very effective.

I wonder if the concept could have been pushed a bit further to add a greater density to the images. The use of the markers such as the colour index was effecitve and it would have been good to see that level of complexity over other aspects of the images.

Overall the theme that you were communicating was well communicated and very creative, a nice counterpoint to the others that were presented over the day.

The textures work really well with your themes of horizontality verticality and flattness and are very effective in supporting the images that you have created.

Overall suggested grade- 72%

(this job is so much harder than it looks!)